If you want to sharpen your existing DevOps skills and broaden your knowledge across related emerging technologies, then this program is what you need.
By participating, you will have the opportunity to:
Upon successful completion of this course, you may join our advanced internship to continue progressing in your career journey as a DevOps Engineer.
DevOps, short for Development and Operations, is a software development philosophy and culture that implies the logic of software delivery as a finished product focused on solving the customer's and end users' specific problems.
An effective software development process in any modern IT company involves a single interaction cycle between development, deployment and operation. A DevOps engineer is an actual "constructor" who collects a project's details into a single whole.
You can progress through this program at your convenience, as all learning materials will be accessible anytime. On average, you will need ~12 weeks and ~20 hours of weekly engagement to complete this stage.
Here's what you can expect:
Upon successful completion, you may proceed to the next stage – our advanced Cloud & DevOps Internship.
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Need a bit of support with the basics? Here is our recommendation for where to start your Cloud & DevOps journey: